I've tried doing the newspaper nail thing before and had limited success. There are all sorts of directions available. The first time I tried it, the directions said to dip your nail into the alcohol for 5 seconds and then press the newspaper on. This not only doesn't work (at least not for me) but it softens your nail polish and you get fingerprints where you press onto the newspaper. :( I did eventually find a method that worked, so I'm going to give you a how-to for that.
* base polish
* Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) - I used 91%, but it can be done with 70%
* newspaper
Also pictured:
* scissors to cut the newspaper (not entirely necessary)
* filbert brush for clean-up
* acetone for clean-up
STEP 1 |
STEP 2 |
Step 1: Prep. I cut up small rectangles of newspaper text and pictures I wanted. I made the rectangles just big enough to cover my nail with a little extra to grab onto when dipping the paper in the alcohol.
Step 2:
Paint a base color. You need some kind of polish on your nail. I don't recommend clear or dark, although it can still work. I used "Bare Escape" from Mabelline's Color Show line.
STEP 3 |
STEP 5 |
Step 3:
Dip your paper rectangle into the alcohol for 10 seconds. I like to pour a little alcohol in the cap and use that as stock.
Step 4:
Press design side of the newspaper onto your nail for 10 seconds. I apply pressure by rocking my thumb back and forth over my nail.
Step 5:
Slowly peel off newspaper. I peel up a corner and check to see if the edges are dark enough. If they aren't, it's easy to press the paper down for another second or so.
Step 6:
Seal with top coat. I went for something sparkly and used "Fairy Tale Ivory" by Sally Hansen.
That's it! :)
I got the methods ideas from
The Polished Medic. She does a comparison in materials by trying vodka, hand sanitizer, and almond extract in place of rubbing alcohol. She says the extract is her favorite and you may want to try it.